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"AquaTune is the highly precise injection system consisting of air injections, water injections and an ultra-sonic air regulators, also utilizing hydrogen generators. This amazing device allows you to put money back in your pocket through our aqua tuning."
"It never needs to have stored hydrogen because it is produced as you drive. Never need to re-program the computer or alter any of the computer sensors. Never needs re-adjustment after the installation. It removes the need for soot recovery systems. Drastically extends oil life. Lowers crank case pressures. Lowers turbo temps. Removes turbo lag. Increases horsepower by 30%. Increases fuel economy by 30 - 40%. On generators, 35 - 35% longer fuel hours. Drastically lowers NOX emissions. Removes black soot smoke. Drastically increases engine life."
Thank You Aquatune 2011